Saturday, April 12, 2008

Busy Times

WOW! I've had quite a busy couple of weeks. spring quarter started at school. That and work always keep me plenty busy of course. My mother and I have completely remodeled our downstairs bathroom. We took the wallpaper down, painted the walls, put in a new mirror and a new light. We got new decorations and towls and are going to do the floor when we replace the kitchen floor.
It has also been very warm here! On Monday, Matt and I rode our bikes to Dairy Queen and got, well what else, ice cream. I walked to class all week, well not Thursday cause it rained (of course). On Wednesday Matt and I washed and dried our cars. Then we filled in scratches,waxed,cleaned out and swept them. I also did the tires and got a new air freshener for mine! We had so much fun. I have been a little depressed latley. Not because of winter, I love winter, but because it has been sunny and nice out but still very cold the last couple of weeks. Also a man who lives a couple houses down from me died. He was so sweet and I used to walk his dog for him when he was out of town. He was a good man and will be missed. I'm so glad that I got to be in this nice weather it has completely rewired me. Even my mom and Matt mentioned how much happier I've been and how much more fun they've had with me. Oh, did I mention on Monday it may snow? lol I'm not kidding!
I went to the Humane Society on Sunday, and I will be going again today after a funeral(did I mention that it is number 7 for me since March?). Then I plan to make cupcakes and take them to Matt and his coworkers. They are having a big 3 day sale and have been working really hard and have been spending all day there.I hope they like them.
I think that catches you up on everything going on. If not I'll add it. lol.

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